What is supervision – intervision?

The ICF defines coaching supervision as: „ Coaching Supervision is a collaborative learning practice to continually build the capacity of the coach through reflective dialogue for the benefit of both coaches and clients. “

Supervision and intervision in a group, amongst peers supports our coaching mindset, being open, curious, flexible and client oriented. Our professional development and the quality of our coaching will be promoted by reflection, feedback, working on potential blind spots, new ideas and perspectives.

For quality in coaching and a coaching mindset: Coaching Supervision/Intervision

Coaching Supervision 2022/23

5 Hours Individual Coaching Supervision

Your Investment

950,00* €

Special Conditions:

900,00*€ for ICF Chapter Germany Members

850,00* € for our Mentor Alumni

*all rates for individual direct payers, excl. local VAT.

If interested, please contact me at  coaching@silke-thompson.com

3 x 90 minutes of coaching intervision in a group

Dialog based and esteeming exchange amongst peers:

reflection, evaluation, exploration of our professional practice + case analytics, Uncovering blind spots + ethical questions + input and new perspectives + 3-6 participants: guarantees focus and individual attention+ 1 year of intervision = 1 fixed session – every 4 month

Your investment:

450,00* €

special conditions:

350,00*€ for members of the ICF Deutschland e.V.

250,00* € for our alumni

*all rates for direct payers, excl. local VATl

For companies

you would like to offer supervision/intervision to coaches of your organization? please contact us